Monday, April 9, 2001

Tiger: He Never Lets You Down

Tiger Woods has achieved the impossible by winning The Masters this past weekend. He now owns all four of the major golf trophies: The Masters, The U.S. Open, The British Open, and The PGA Championship. These are the major tournaments that measure a golfer's greatness. Now Tiger has all four trophies on his living room table.

Writers are tripping over their tongues, as they try to put this achievement into perspective. As I tried to sort out this myself, I recalled my own giddy moments when I put together my own web page for Tiger, nearly five years ago. Back then, I admired the excitement Tiger made me feel about a sport I didn't care about. As I followed Tiger, and as I learned golf, I came to fully appreciate Tiger's desire for excellence. I found it hard to believe that Tiger would live up to his own lofty goals, simply because I didn't think a single player could dominate such an exacting sport as golf. I was afraid to be let down.

Tiger didn't let me (or the world) down last weekend. He fought off two tremendous competitors in David Duval and Phil Mickelson. He fought off the frenzied atmosphere (is it a grand slam? a Tiger slam?). He fought his own nerves. And he prevailed.

After every Tiger achievement, I keep saying that if he were to retire then, he could be satisified. I am wrong. I would be satisfied, but Tiger wouldn't. He is the greatest golfer to walk this earth, and I am so happy to be alive to witness his greatness.

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